text: hugo carlson
foto: patrik hagborg
video: leo prim
Proper clothing makes a big difference for both confidence and performance. At the same time, each day demands different things from you and your wardrobe – from important meetings, major decisions, and creative problem-solving to the week’s spontaneous events, such as a jog in the forest or a coffee in town. Coffee aside, let us help you discover your personal style, combined with comfort and functionality to tackle everyday challenges.
Below, we present how your week can look with timeless garments carefully selected from the Business & Beyond department.
Even if your energy levels may have increased, many of us find ourselves asking: have we reached perhaps the worst day of the week? To defy Tuesday's dullness, we treat ourselves to an outfit that boosts both confidence and perhaps ambition for the meetings that need preparation. Here, we embrace a minimalist style with a pair of tailored trousers with creases, a belt, a sweater, and loafers—an outfit that almost never fails. Do you need to shake off the day's stress? A run during lunch gives you the endorphin boost you need.
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