Text: Camilla Åsedal
Foto: Patrik Hagborg & Alamy
Video: Leo Prim
The history of the rugby shirt dates back to the early days of the sport, where its functional design played a crucial role. Originally, the shirts featured horizontal stripes – known as hoops – typicaly consisting of five or six broad bands in the teams' unique colours. These distinctive patterns made it easy to differentiate between teams and reinforced a sense of unity among players.
In the 1950s, the rugby shirt began making its way beyond the pitch and into everyday fashion. At British universities, it became a favourite among students who wanted to display their school spirit outside the sports arena. Meanwhile, Ivy League students in the United States embraced the garment, and it soon became a natural part of the preppy uniform – often paired with chinos, loafers, and a Barbour jacket on cooler days.
With its sporting heritage and rugged yet elegant design, it embodies the quintessential preppy attitude: being stylish without appearing overly effortful or formal.
Today, the rugby shirt is as relevant as ever. Brands such as Ralph Lauren, Gant and Rowing Blazers have all celebrated its heritage and modernised it for a new generation of style-conscious men. Whether worn for a spring walk in the city, a weekend in the countryside or to cheer on a favourite team in the Six Nations, the rugby shirt remains an icon – a symbol of tradition, sport and a garment that stands the test of time.
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