Text: Rasmus Motten Wernerby
Foto: AI
We have all, at some point, experienced that a newly purchased item doesn't feel quite right – the fit isn't as expected, the material feels different, or the colour doesn't match the pictures. Despite our best efforts to help customers make informed choices through images, size charts and personal style advice, there are times when a return feels unavoidable. But our experience shows that some garments are not meant to feel perfect from the start. Sometimes, time is all it takes for a garment to feel right. So, how should you think in order to avoid disappointment and returns? Let's dive into this.
We hope these examples have given you some insight and reassurance that you're not alone in sometimes feeling that a garment doesn't live up to expectations - sometimes, it just needs time. Do you have more examples or tips that could help others in the same situation? Feel free to share your experiences in the comments.
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