Text: camilla åsedal
photo: Oscar glamsjö
Read more: David Kringlund: Three classic drinks and how you mix them
Expecting guests is the ultimate reason to tidy and clean. Some say that it is pointless to begin an entire cleaning process before a party, as it will need cleaning the day after. However, a messy home can dampen the mood of guests. You do not necessarily need to overdo the cleaning, but make sure it's neat and kept tidy.
Read more: Creating a harmonious home with Feng Shui
A sweet smelling home offers a sense of invitation. Placing a scented candle in the bathroom also gives a luxurious impression and indicates that you have thought about the smaller details. Certainly, around Christmas time, a candle that has a cinnamon or orange fragrance can provide an extra homely feeling.
Guests are always somewhat hungry. Select the types of snacks based on the type of event you are hosting. Snacks such as crisps are always a safe bet, and can be made luxurious just adding some cream cheese, caviar and red onion. If it is a New Year’s dinner, or if you simply want to offer luxurious canapés, we suggest offering these as an aperitif too. Table decorations help to add a natural talking point, and may function as a conversation starter for the guests.
Like flies, people are drawn to the light, some cosy candles and lights are therefore perfect. Place a candle on a table, people will choose the lit table over a dark table, thus, you can control where the guests are.
We have almost all attended an event where there is a games leader who has so many activities that there is hardly any time for conversation and mingling. At the same time, you do not want an awkward event with hesitant conversations that lead nowhere. Try to offer one activity, this way all are included in breaking the ice. Before the New Year begins, you can create a music quiz, which is always engaging. A quiz, a card game or table football can liven up the mood and is a fun way to let unknown guests meet and break the ice.
A common dilemma as a host is that you may spend more time in the kitchen than with your guests. If you are going to have a large party, it is helpful to get help in the kitchen with dishes, serving, etc. Perhaps a relative has no plans for the evening and needs buck or two. However, if you want to keep the kitchen to yourself, an apron is ideal to avoid spillage on your evening attire.
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