Text: Johannes Nilsson
foto: Alamy
A bond film without a car chase is like love without kisses – it just doesn't work when something so fundamental is missing. The Bond car chase that has been etched into my memory since childhood comes from one of the opening scenes of GoldenEye (1995).
Mr Bond is taking his faithful Aston Martin DB5 for a spin along the technically challenging roads above Monaco when a red, wedge-shaped Ferrari suddenly appears in the secret agent's rear-view mirror. Behind the wheel is the fierce fighter pilot and assassin Xenia Onatopp. Say what you will about her surname, but she can certainly drive. The journey unfolds at breakneck speed through the mountains, and Bond somehow manages to keep pace with his over 30-year-old Aston. Admirable, considering the Ferrari F355 was one of the fastest cars ever to bear the prancing horse from Maranello.
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