Text: Mimmi Ljungblad
Foto: Ted Olsson
A fabric shaver is an appliance that effectively removes bobbles from textile surfaces. Since today, in our range, we only choose to offer the fabric shaver from Steamery, this guide will be based on the model Pilo Fabric Shaver.
There are three precision razor blades in this model. These are covered by a metal cover with many holes which you slowly drag along the surface of the fabric, without forcing it into the fabric. The high frequency reduces the risk of bobbles and fluff getting stuck in the fabric shaver membrane. In other words, you can feel safe, even when you use it on your finer garments.
If you feel like the fabric shaver isn’t working as fast and as effectively as it normally does, or if it doesn’t start, even if the battery light is green, then the catcher needs to be emptied. Begin by unscrewing the plastic ring around the metal cover, then you can lift the metal cover carefully off. Be mindful that metal cover is protecting the sharp razor blades. When the razor blades are showing, you should be careful. When the catcher has been made visible, you can remove the contents with the help of a small brush. Then replace the parts properly.
The short answer is all kinds of materials. However, it is important to test the fabric shaver in a smaller area that is less visible at first, and not to press the front against the material as the razor blades risk accessing the fabric and not just the bobbles. Feel free to use the fabric shaver on furniture fabrics, but start from the same principle. For delicate materials such as cashmere, we recommend carefully cleaning the fabric with a clothing brush from Kent Brushes.
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